maandag 28 juli 2008

Love at First sight!


We have passed these happy smiling sheep a few times and I have introduced them to you but today we could not resist getting of our bikes and pet them a little bit. Finnish sheep are famous for their soft wool so it was tempting to stroke them. The sheep weren't' afraid at all, they loved being cuddled. You can see how they look as if almost in total ecstasy. Especially one of the brown ones seemed to have a crush on my mother straight away. He or she was tilting its head and would not go away anymore. We decided that when we ever have a chance to get a house in Finland a sheep should definitely be included in the garden!

I picked some flowers for Mommo today, there is a specific flower that grows here, it's called Ruis Kaununkki I hope it is spelled correctly, in English that would be Rye Beauty it is a flower that grows in grain fields. Turku council has planted some flowers for people to pick so I thought maybe for once my grandmother will let some outside flowers inside.

Normally she doesn't want that because of the bugs. I must admit she is right, small troops of tiny animals are parading from the vase to the window; I spent all evening catching them. She hasn't seen them yet…otherwise all hell will break out.


Today we had a bit off a struggle. Sometimes it is so hard to be patient and understanding. When you are old and can't move around and your body aches everywhere live is not fun anymore. But we are really trying to take good care of her and make sure she eats well and drinks enough. It is a fight every day. Somehow she doesn't think it is so necessary to eat apart from some bread and ofcourse cookies. It is like the behavior of a little toddler, I don't want this, I don't like that, and it looks yukkie, why do I have to eat again? First the trick of a big plate with everything in the middle worked (then it doesn't look like that much) but she is on to us now. We try to explain that it is most vital to drink enough especially during summer when it is warm. When we get back from swimming and blueberry picking she is always a bit mad at us because we stayed away to long according to her opinion. This evening it finally went a bit better. Hopefully that will be the same tomorrow. Then we will try to think of another meal that will encourage her to eat.


The sky is looking amazing tonight, these pictures are taken at different hours , very typical Finnish skies!


Geen opmerkingen:

This Bird Rules!

Peonyflowers and Roses

The Summerpalace 1

The Summerpalace 2

Tian Tan video

Yang 24 form at the Dutch TaiCHi Federation open Championships

chen 24 form at the Dutch TaiChi Federation open Championships

Chen style TaiChi 24 form
