Today it was another Sauna-Swimming day; the summer is incredibly good here it has just rained a little bit nothing compared to the showers we get in the Netherlands. My mother is just telling me that it was 29,2c yesterday! Wow incredible and everybody in the Netherlands is convinced it is freezing cold here during summer (winter is a totally different story).
Today we read something in the newspaper that you would not expect near a reasonably big city for Finnish standards. In the morning some people who live at a farm not far from Turku found a half eaten moose in front of their house. It had been killed by wolves that very night. It had been chased by wolves during the night and apparently was so frightened that even the protection of a farmhouse looked like a good idea. Well the wolves didn’t care and went for the poor animal anyway.
My grandmother was deeply shocked and thinks they should shoot them all. She is still from a time when it was dangerous to go through the woods because there were many wolves. I tried to ask when the last fatal incident with a wolf was but she could not remember. Well wolves gotta eat too, they cannot be vegetarians. But I can imagine that it is shocking to find such a large animal on your doorstep, we are already horrified when the cat leaves a dead bird as a little token of its affection and hunting skills! Having wolves in the garden isn’t the most comforting thought too. Imagine if your house is very old fashioned or like a holiday cabin and the toilet is outside….
A fine example of an outside toilet
Well my grandmother lives in a flat so unless the wolves learn how to climb or walk stairs she should be fine. Of course there are always the two legged wolves to worry about.
Today when we were on our way home again we spotted the airplane from a few days before. It was taking off from the water. I love flying and planes hmmm imagine how beautiful it must look from up there! I have a picture from the plane for you and also of me cycling and being almost attacked by the Canadian geese that found their way to the shores and have no intention to leave; as they are protected they have turned into a plague that is hard to stop. At the moment they have baby geese and are very alert and protective. They like to stand on the cycling patch and hiss at you when you pass and there is no doubt in my mind that they will attack when you come to close to their young.
I am sure many Finnish people fantasize of putting a fat goose on the grill for a change instead of the traditional sausages.
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