maandag 23 maart 2009
vrijdag 20 maart 2009
The Day of the Shoot
<--------------Picture of the funky wall in the hotel
Today was the day the actual shoot took place of the documentary. Tomorrow and Sunday it will be continued. The past few days have been filled with setting up the set, testing the position of the cameras, figuring out the way the lights should be placed, how bright they should be and so on. As I said before I cannot reveal the details but I can tell you it is very very exciting and moving. When the moment arrived that the shoot was beginning everybody except for the several cameramen and other technicians left the set. Most of us sat outside underneath a tent and watched the event on a little screen. We all were quiet and totally excited, it is a shame I cannot go into any detail but you know what they say all will be revealed in time. Patience! What I can say it was a very memorable moment and super special. We all felt like little children excited and thrilled well at least I did. Here are some more pictures from Johannesburg for you!
I absolutely adore this plant, the flowers are just so so amazing!
Africans are just not into boring decoration!
dinsdag 17 maart 2009
This is my second attempt to write something today. I just finished describing all that I have been doing since I arrived when it suddenly disappeared. So there we go again. Yesterday after I got through customs and picked up my bag I was dawned by the sight of at least 50 people holding up signs with people they were about to collect. I could not see my name anywhere. Ai at the airport and already lost…I talked to a few people and found out that South Africans are most chatty and friendly. So waiting around wasn't bad at all. Then I saw a gentle faced man with my name on a paperboard looking around, I waved at him and was very relieved. We had to wait for 2 more people and once they were found we set of to the hotel. We drove through the nice green suburbs of Johannesburg and I was surprised to see how beautiful and modern everything was all looking. Wow South Africa is just very beautiful. The thing that struck me were all the high walls with barb wire or electric fences on top of those walls that surrounded almost every house like it were fortresses. It must be so strange to life like that. Is it to lock the people who live there in or to keep the world out? There were signs everywhere of security companies and signs saying there is an armed response. I saw quite some security guards walking around who were heavily and visibly armed. I think they shoot before they ask.
Johannesburg has a very bad reputation but because I expected the worse it wasn't half as bad as I thought. I had already spoken to some locals on the airport who had assured me it really isn't that bad at all. There are just certain areas to be avoided. The hotel is a very modern looking from the outside and enthusiastically decorated in a style I can only describe as eclectic . it is wild, creative and slightly mad but somehow it is very refreshing compared to the smooth and boring decors we fancy in Europe. I just had to take some pictures and post them for you. The rooms are decorated in a more mainstream calm fashion. Modern and hip with one of those waterfall massive showers that are just fantastic. There even is a stand for your ipod, so you can play your own music. The day was filled with running from a to b and in the evening it was hard to not fall asleep. We had dinner (Sushi yummie) in a restaurant in a nearby mall. We all sat by open doors and you could see the bats chasing each other in the moonlight. Crickets were singing in the background and it made me so curious for the rest of the country. The sushi took forever to be prepared but tasted amazing. I felt asleep as if I hadn't slept for a week and today it was al much more relaxed. But now it is time to exercise a bit ! more 2morrow!
maandag 16 maart 2009
zondag 15 maart 2009
South Africa!
After a sort of radio silence on my blog because of no real breathtaking adventures were taking place at least not the type that I planned to share with the rest of the planet, something did happen that is super exciting. A friend of mine is making a documentary in South Africa and invited me to come as well. For a brief moment I felt a bit uneasy skipping classes but then I thought what the heck I can ask somebody to take notes and it wound be a problem. Even my teachers reacted with a duhhuh ofcourse you should go, absolutely no problem. So now I am in Frankfurt waiting for my connecting flight to Johannesburg. I left Schiphol, Amsterdam a few hours ago and have to wait another 5 hours to catch the connecting flight to South Africa. I am not only excited about the film project but also about seeing Africa for the first time. Asia feels like an old friend but what about the other continent? I will soon find out.
The first funny thing happened in Amsterdam. I rushed down to the gate and suddenly saw some familiar faces! Two old high school teachers were waiting for the same plane and were just as surprised to see me. They told me that they were going to St. Petersburg to organize things for an upcoming school trip. Wow a school trip to Russia, very cool! I can remember going to Prague and Rome with that school but never as far away as Russia.
I was sitting just behind business class in very comfortable spot; it was a quiet flight with nice sandwiches and hmmmmmmmm chocolate. It is so easy to make your customers happy; chocolate is almost always a perfect idea. The food was a lot better than the yucky stuff they feed you at KLM.
Flying over Frankfurt it reminded me of Finland (a bit) there was quite a lot of forest, low building some high rise office blocks and a very big airport. There are only expensive shops and lots of restaurants. Due to the strict baggage regulation which I find absolutely ridiculous I had to set out and buy very expensive water but I brought enough munchies to set up my own little food stall. Until now it seems unlikely that there is an internet connection, I did see some computers standing around to serve the web. But you have to pay. Tja. I will go and explore the area a bit more and see if there is a wireless hotspot somewhere. It seems strange that in these modern times you cannot use your laptop in a modern airport.
I love airports all these different nationalities on there way to some place in the world. The possibility (if you got the cash and a possibly needed visa) to travel anywhere gives you some sense of freedom and endless possibilities. Ofcourse this is an illusion but if only I had an unlimited creditcard then I would love to just show up at the airport and think hmmmmmmm let's go to this or that place today! Somebody in the plane asked me if it is save to go to Johannesburg, I replied with; probably not but I am going anyway. It is supposedly one of the most dangerous cities in the world but well I try to keep myself out of trouble. I took my ring off changed my watch for a cheap looking one and hope that I wound look to tempting for any robbers.
Conveniently there was a jointlocking workshop at the Kung Fu school yesterday and I learned lot's of nasty things that can be performed on even more nasty people. You never know when these things come in handy. We certainly had fun bending eachother in the most impossible position. The teacher had sent all of us a mail saying: bring your favorite training partner so you can practice together. Hi hi yes I guess it is better when you practice on friends then you are more careful and they will forgive you when you possibly hurt them a bit. Anyway you need to practice on a real person to get it right. Okey the power is running low, time to find some power.
donderdag 19 februari 2009
Beautiful Sunset
donderdag 29 januari 2009
Sunday evening i was checking the website of the university to make sure of the time and place of the major exam i thought I had on Monday. Yes exactely as I thought at 1p.m. at the sportscentre! I studied till the early morning organised myself made some Ginseng tea with Goiji berries to make my brain work a bit better, chewing gum as that is also supposed to help with concentration and packed my law books. I listened to some Buddhist chanting while riding down there on my bike. The sun was out, the light was bright and there was a winterfeeling in the air hmmmmmmmmmm not a bad day for an exam…..i thought.
While dreaming away and enjoying the ride it all looked perfect. I should have known it was too good to be true. The first thing that went wrong was that my watch was 5 minuts behind, so quickly I found a place and checked if that was the exam from the law department. So it was. I was installing myself for a 3 hours writing session, putting my ink jar out, Ink jar? Yes ink jar I like to write with old fashioned ink that you can suck into your fountain pen. Its probabely some strange fetish but It just writes nices. I also have a lucky fountain pen, a bright blue Cross pen, it writes great and the idea of making an exam without that pen is just unthinkable! I was writing down my name and studentnumber and checked if the exam was complete so it was. Hm while reading the first question it struck me how much easier these questions were to the previous exam hm and different….strange and while staring at the paper with the invitation to come to the discussion of the exam, I suddenly saw it. Was this just a bad dream, me hallucinating because of lack of sleep? Hm I am afraid not. Well the exam had just started. Istuck my finger in the air and one of the people who babysit us during exams came up to me, she had just been at my table and crossed my name on the list. Do you want more paper she asked? Ehhhhhhhh no not really I replayed, eh i need the other exam maybe I am in the wrong part of the hall…. I need to do exam such and face turning more red every second not to mention the upcoming feeling of panic. Somebody hissed at me: that exam is on Wednesday….She was smiling well I guess it was rather funny if you are not me. !!!!!!!!!!!!
The lady went to fetch a teacher. Then I could explain my problem once more. There he was, he was most surprised but very friendly. Almost laughing this is most unussual he said. Yeh I bet it is. I kept repeating that it was so stupid and that I had checked the night before. This course had two versions of which you had to choose one; there is only a minor diffence in the name tja. You can do this one if you like he said oh yeh you did not prepare it. That is right, i wish I had ,the questions looked much easier and more intresting! He went away to make some phonecalls to get me on the list of the Wednesday exam.pffffffffff the lady came back to me and said well now you have to wait and sit here thinking about your sins for 30minutes… (That is a rule to prevent fraude you cannot leave the exam in the first 30min). The teacher returned saying that he had phoned the education information centre and they wanted me down there with a copy of the email the sent me confirming that I had signed myself in for this exam. I thanked the teacher and ran off.
Telling myself to look at it from the bright side now I had more time to prepare! At least I did not miss the exam… I printed out the paper they had requested and inmediately went to the office at the law department. After waiting for a while, it was my turn. They told me it was a lot of paperwork but for this time only they would do it. Big relieve. It took a while but then it was done, the lady said it is possible something goes wrong and your name is not on the list. It should be but it might not. I could just invisione it all go wrong but then the lady wrote a very official looking letter stamping it with an impressively big stamp saying this should do the trick.
Relieved I went home. In the evening, there was liondance and demonstrations in the Who Ping restaurent to celebrate Chinese New Year. That was really nice to see and do. It is always good fun. Yesterday I made the exam. What a relieve it is over. Because of all the study work, I cannot attend most of the demo's and New Year performances. I wish I could but unfortunately, I cannot. Well back to work now, Wishing you all a wonderful day!!!!!
zondag 25 januari 2009
too see the picture go to :
woensdag 21 januari 2009
Neighbour from Hell
At a for me unussually early hour i am writing in bed. What a night and I don't mean that in the positive way.i like to think I am rather relaxed and calm and certainly don't have to many violent thoughts going through my head but last night it was ever so tempting to take my broadsword and do some damage to my neighbour and his property. My neighbour who lives upstairs is a very small Italian guy that hardly speaks any Dutch or English. He works in the Pizzaplace downstairs. The owners of the restaurant own the whole building and that is how he as the only guy found his way in an all girl student house. Perhaps the dream of some guys but I can assure you we feel anything but attrackted to him. He is an aspiring musician and a pothead. So apart from his electric guitare, drum kit he brought his karaoke machine, loudspeakers, lots of extremely loud friends, cannabis and sigarets to smoke out a whole town and enough wine to flood the Sahara.
Last night at midnight, they were still loudly yelling into the karaoke machine, if only the music would have been good but unfortunately, that was not the case. It felt as if I was in some kind of B-Movie out of the eighties. I don't like nagging so somehow reluctant I went up there, realising I looked far from threatening in my white silk pyamas with pink flowers and wearing pink wool socks (it is winter you know). The room was filled with lots of people and I could not even locate the neighbour. I asked nicely if they could turn down the volume a bit adding that people wanted to sleep. I heard somebody utter :that is the neighbour from downstairs and then how late is it anyway? Only just midnight another replayed so no worries……….yeeeh only just midnight I remember the last time I stormed up there and then it was 05:30am nice. Some girls promised they would keep the noise down.
To my great surprise I heard them break up there party and leave with plenty of stumbling and yelling. Yes it worked! Untill 03:30 am, shit, the doorbell kept ringing and the neighbour had some friends come round. It makes you wonder what people go round other people's houses at that time; I mean it is only Wednesday. But I guess I am getting old . tja. The music went on again and they started to yell at eachother. Have you noticed how some people seem uncapable to speak in an normal tone? Perhaps they had their hearing damaged I do not know but I could almost completely follow the conversation. Nice. So much for sleeping. after 30 minuts, I couldn't stand it anymore. Fed up with running upstairs I was going through my possible options: A. Running upstairs with my broadsword (it is the most impressive) and hacking his tv and radioset in two pieces, B. asking once more nicely to shut the ø*#!Θ up, C. finding the right powerswitch in the electricity cabinet….
After finding my flashlight I tried all the switches untill it went silent upstairs. Hi Hi it was quite funny. I ran up to my room again and tried not to laugh. They were probabely pretty stoned and drunk so linking the powercut and the switchboard together was too much. It was quiet at last! The loud talking resumed shortly after but it was at least without the bad music, that helped. Moments ago some loud tv noise went on again. So I ran upstairs but the place was deserted. The childrens programs had started…..i havent got a clue were they all went but after some hesitating about fiddling around with otherpeoples properties I switched the thing off. Peace at last. So goodnight and speak to you later
dinsdag 20 januari 2009
Solitaire lock up
University deadlines, upcoming exams and ofcourse the upcoming Chinese New Year make this a super busy time. I have locked myself up in my room to read and to write on a paper that I have to hand in. I like to write but when it is for a mark, it suddenly becomes difficult. Yesterday was fun, I finally made it to the Kung Fu class on time and spend two hours learning the tree animal form and practising the Tiger- Leopard with a fellow student. It is starting to come together a bit more but I still need lots and lots of practise. Ofcourse the tiger is kinda ferocious so I have to remember not to smile too much. Then it was time for TaiChi, where we started on the 108 form. That was my first try and it will probabely take forever too remember. I was already happy to remember the 24 form! Finally, it was time to eat! It was too late to cook so then it is always tempting to make a stop at the eazie where you can create your own noodle soup. It is fast and way better then all that really unhealthy snackfood and it gives you a good change to practise your chopstick skills! It was raining and cold when I got home. Today is much better it is tempting to go outside but I really must study. So back to the books for now. I wish everybody a great day!
maandag 12 januari 2009
Wolfmoon, skating and blauwgrond

After making it to the TaiChi Class were it was almost just as cold as it is outside(there is no central heating in the building) or maybe even colder because outside there was lots of sunshine, we first went to have some lunch and then walked off to the park.
It was supposedly the last day to skate so i just had to try the ice; my friends had no skates unfortunately. A long time ago i used to do figure skating but it must have been 8 years since i last skated. Way to long. I stopped because the city council closed our beloved the ice rink and with that, our skating club went down. I was never any good anyway (should have started when i was 5) except in doing pirouettes. But man did i feel like bambi on the ice yesterday. My skates were a bit blunt and felt so strange to my feet not to mention all the stuff on the ice, little twiggs etc. Hmmmmmmmm but it was fun and after a while, it felt a bit better. Definetely have to go skating again! We drank some tea that we brought with us and then set out to practise in the music pavilion overlooking the skating people and swimming ducks. Stretching was no good in the cold so we did some Bagua walking; we are learning the steps to another friend of the Kung Fu school who also went to China. Doing the mudwalking step is not easy and is a great excercise for your balance. You have to step a bit inwards with your outside foot and in a straight line with the foot on the inside, that way you walk in a circle. Then ofcourse there are the 8 different postures that aren' easy either. With these postures you train and stretch your body and ligaments. It is very intresting to see that when you have the correct posture you can see what you train, when you do not have the correct posture or do not keep the right shape the effort is in vain. It looks like some quiet walking with your arms up in the air but it is a serious fysical exercise ( and then we are only talking about the outside effect) , it makes you so warm (but without getting out of breath) that you just have to start taking your coat and jumper off. Even if it is freezing you dont need gloves. When you are halfway, even a t-shirt will do. It is quite amazing. When you stop you have a warm and good feeling allover. Then it is time to wrap up again. There is a circle of dirty foodsteps that you can just spot now... After that we walked through the 24 Chen form. It still gets dark very early and we did not bring our campinglight this time so after that it was time to leave. We went for a hotdrink and some soup in the Surinamese Restaurant called Blauwgrond. It is very close to the park at a roundabout. I have passed it so many times in the past always thinking it was a snackbar, take out kinda place. Only recently i discovered it is an excellent tropical style place with delicious surinamese food and an always feel good atmosphere. The prices are very decent and afforable and you get so much food that you will not need breakfast the next morning. On Sunday, there is lifemusic that makes it feel like an eternal summer. You cannot sit still even when you have no sense of rythm like me you are moving on your seat. They play some kind of i think salsa music. If you are ever anywhere near Leiden i can definetely recommend this restaurent if you like spicy food you wound be dissappointed. MMMMMMmmmmm especially the masoesa vegetarisch is supergood! Even my non-vegetarian friends love it and prefere it above meat! The restaurant is located at the Wassenaarse weg at the roundabout. It is very big and i think the outside does not do the place justice. It is absolutely one of the nicest fun places i have been to recently!
And then ofcourse there was the moon.
It was the Wolfmoon as native Indians call it if i am correct. Luckily, it was so cold and with the clear sky the moon was perfectly visible. It looked so enormous and bright. I took some pictures but they don't do the moon any justice. It was beautiful. I hope everybody got to see it.
vrijdag 9 januari 2009
Old Dutch Boats
Leiden is an old historical town, with beautiful old houses and a very historic city centre. When walking from the station you pass some canals and near the place Rembrandt used to have his workspace there are old boats in the small harbour. Very typically Dutch boats. the light as i mentioned before is so bright and intensely clear i just had to come back to take a picture.It was -3 today and i saw the first people skating on the big canal. They have guts, the ice is still very thin but the smaller canals are fine.i certainly will put on my skates aswell this weekend!
woensdag 7 januari 2009
It has been a while since i last posted a blog but i was just to busy with studying, training and looking for a good part time job and not to forget celebrating Christmas and New Year! All the best wishes to everyone! It was a relaxed Christmas and a well behaved New Year; no hangovers, no bad behaviour, none of that. This can only mean two things a. i am getting older or b. I am getting wiser...The kungfu school remained open this year so there was no reason to be lazy either (as if there is at all), we found a bit of time to go to the Leidse Hout during daytime.
This year there is the first real winter since forever, it is freezing cold , there is ice and even some snow! It is nothing short from a miracle. I can't even remember the last time i saw people walk over the ice! It seems to do something special to people, everybody has red cheeks and a matching nose but for a change people are not moaning about the weather. Walking around in the park you could see all the excited faces and talks. It was a beautiful day with bright clear Winterskies, fresh biting cold air and the sun shining. Ice crystals had covered the grass and plants, glittering like diamonds, it looked unreal to see all this in the Netherlands.
Children and adults were walking around on the ice that is still rather thin. I am sure, we will be able to skate this year! Finally. Ever since i moved here i have wanted to go skating on the canals!
Now it is a week later and it is still cold, this morning there was some snow and the weather reports said that it was the coldest night since a long long time they even measured -20C wow. Finnish temperatures! I dont know what it is with the cold maybe it is in my genes but the colder it gets the better it feels. As long as you are dressed up enough. There is just something exciting about those sharp clear skies during day and night, that cold air that seems to bite you in a nice kinda way. The light is also different, clearer brighter, the colors more defined.
Now when it is dark early we have to think of how to keep training in the place we train ( a small music pavilion by a lake).
I am sure it is good training to practise in the dark but a little light helps. So we set out to by buy a big camping light that we string up between the poles. It is just enough to see what you are doing. Dressed up in ski pants, gloves and a hat and multiple layers of clothing it is perfectly doable. It is so funny when we start our circle walking exercise it makes you feel super hot (no....... not that kinda hot), even when it is freezing. In about 5 to 10 minutes you can walk around in a t-shirt with short sleeves and not feel cold. It is pretty amazing. It seems to turn on some inside radiator. Of course when you stop you have to put it all on again before you get cold.
Here are some pictures for you to see Winter in the Netherlands.
Bye bye for now